Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bead & Button Show 2017

It's OFFICIAL! Spherical Stars and DodecaBeadron are going to be classes at the Bead & Button Show 2017.

It is funny to me that of the 4 I submitted, my two beaded beads, both dodecahedrons, were selected. I love beaded beads and how the geometry of the structure comes through even though it is a piece of wearable art. These are fun to make but it will be interesting to see how others take on the challenge. I have lots of other beaded beads in mind for projects, so I'll have to get around to making them in my few and far between spare moments.

I'm officially an international beading instructor. I've been working on this all year and it has really paid off. 2 of the 4 classes I submitted were selected, for a rookie, that's great. I may get 4 next year, but I was hoping for 2 this year so I don't push it too hard my first time teaching on such a large scale. My classes here are relatively small and I don't have to provide the materials, so there is a lot more work for me to do in the next few months, finding the best beads for my kits. Plus, I have to pack them all nice and pretty for my students. Thankfully, I have lots of ideas and I've already been kitting out my other patterns. Crazy how all of this stacks skill on top of skill to get to the top. I'm over the moon with excitement and hope to fill my classes as soon as registration opens at the beginning of next year. Pass the word around to all fellow beaders. Thanks everyone for the support as I've been working toward this goal.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Molecules Kits in Ocean Colorway


The Ocean Colorway of the Molecules Necklace has been kitted. What does that mean for you? It means you can now get the kit and make your very own copy of the Molecules Necklace to wear whenever you want! AND for these first 5 kits available, I've decided to include the PDF Pattern for FREE!

So sail on over to my Etsy page and check out the kits before they wash away.

Thanks for Looking.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Patterns arrive

After much deliberation, I have come up with a method of writing patterns that works for me. I'm very happy with the results and think others will be as well.

So far I've taught two classes using these patterns and both were a huge success. I of course forgot to take photos from the classes, but will try to remember at my next class in a couple weeks.

So without further ramblings, I present my two finished and uploaded patterns.

Get them here.

I am working on kits for them this week, so stay tuned for those. I'll also be posting more photos of finished work very soon.

Thanks for looking.