Friday, August 18, 2017

Prototypes for Everyone

In my efforts to make my beading more accessible to everyone, I've been working on some component and simple designs that would make great beginner level projects, but keep with my funky style. I'm really happy with the depth to these designs as the beads dome in the middles and give the project a nice sense of depth that many basic designs lack. I'm loving tying out all the new beads, and though it can be hard to stay on top of ALL the new shapes, I have been trying to get to as many of them as I can, as quickly as I can. All of these are designs I've done since returning home from this year's Bead & Button Show. (In addition to all of my Bead & Button 2018 submission beading.)

I haven't found a good name for these ones, but I love the way they turned out. The names are just placeholders...until inspiration hits.

Zoliduos & Kites - The Zoliduos are a fun new shape and the Kites add an interesting challenge with the difference of sizes on each end. It worked great for adding space to this design.

Starbursts/Volcanos - Using Gem Duos, Super Duos, Nib-Bits, Prongs, and Seeds

FlowerCups - Using Beams, Prongs, Top Hole Rounds, Nib-Bits, and Demi Rounds.

I hope to make these into quick & easy patterns that will be available on my ETSY site soon.

Thanks for looking.

Another dodecahedron

This little guy came about when I tried to mix my In A Pinch with Crescents, but didn't want the extra layer across the top of the crescent as it would block the crescent from view. It took a little convincing, but it worked out great and I have a new little beaded bead for my Dodecahedron series that will eventually become something bigger, but I have to see where it goes.

In the meantime, here's the latest...

Thanks for looking.

Earrings to match

I've been working hard to create the earrings to match my beaded beads and component pieces. Here are some of the new beauties that have finally found their way to fruition. There will be kits for these in my classes for their corresponding pieces.

12 Dancing Princesses

Globular Clusters


Thanks for looking.

BABE! Classes

I'm teaching at BABE! (Bay Area Beading Extravaganza)
Check out my classes HERE.
Also, check out the photos below.

12 Dancing Princesses
 Crystalline Crescents
 Roman Dodecahedron Secret Keeper
 Spherical Stars

Bead & Button 2018 Submission

I've been working really hard the last couple of months, getting ready for next year's Bead & Button Show a year in advance really pushes me to stay on top of what's new and going to take off.
For this year, I have another couple dodecahedrons, but I've tried new techniques and new styles of beads. (Even some that aren't out yet! I used samples for my piece, so I hope I can get more soon.) I wanted to make sure that I can get a good number of classes accepted, so I submitted several different kinds.
So, check out what may be coming to Bead & Button 2018!

12 Dancing Princesses - Fun with Super Duos, Quadratiles, Crystals, and more.

Crystalline Crescents - A unique rope made of crescents and seeds with a fun mandala medallion.

 Globular Clusters - Sparkling chatons accent each star shaped bezel on this unique beaded bead.

 Heavenly Bodies - First there was Spherical Stars, now this advanced level variation adds all new potential as the beads can be arranges all together to make an intricate necklace or a necklace earring set. This set uses the unique RounDuos by Potomac Bead Co.

 Puffy Polyhedrals - Inspired by the new Iris Duos and Miyuki Spacer beads, this set is a sparkling, spiky treasure that lacks the hard edges of other dodecahedrons.

 Quasar - These were a class last year, so I'm hoping they do even better this year. Check out my other post for more info. (Under DodecaBeadron)

 Serpentine Bliss - I've been sitting on this design for several years, but it got such good reception at Meet the Teachers this year that I've finalized the pattern for a class that's sure to be a hit.

That's all of them. Thanks for checking them out! Fingers crossed that I get a good selection for next year's show.

Until next time...