Saturday, July 30, 2016

Here There Be Dragons...

I LOVE Dragons! So much that I wrote a young adult novel based on dragons. (To be published at a later date. :) ) These came first and have gotten more attention than I could have ever guessed.  I have made over a dozen of them and my next task and work in progress is a Glow-In-The-Dark version of this design using the new Toho Glow-In-The-Dark seed beads. I am in love with these beads and I can't wait to see this design all done, but it is a challenge using two colors of the silver-lined beads and not seeing what color they glow under normal illumination. Check back soon for the big reveal of the finished dragon.

In the meantime, here is what it looks like.

The dragon is about 3" tall and is not heavy.

I was asked by a friend at an expo if I could make the same design into a water dragon. It took a little redesigning of the pattern, but here is the only one I've made so far. I am working on another one, but it has been sitting for a long time. (Not that any of us beaders have bead mats with projects that have been abandoned for months at a time...)

One day I may do a pattern for this one, but not for a long time.

All this work with dragons spun off in a different direction when I wanted accessories for my necklace. I took the body of the dragon and designed a bracelet to match the feel of the sweeping body. I haven't decided if I would make another as it was so time consuming and the tension has to be so well maintained. It has been several years, so it isn't out of the scope of possibility.

Thanks for looking.

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